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MACAI industrial internet - hightest bandwidth server, ip services, streaming solutions, CDN, Content distributing network: Linux, Windows, Streaming, Windows Media, WindowsMedia, Quicktime,Macromedia,Flash,Real,Realmedia and Rackspace,Multi Domain Kits,Domainnames


The most reliable, powerful corporate web & mailserver solution. Featuring our industry-leading 100% UpTime warranty, this solution is the best choice for companies without their own 24/7 onsite staff.

Service includes
  • your own, mirrored webserver with our 100% UpTime warranty, constantly maintained by MACAI
  • provisioning of a POP3, IMAP and SMTP mailserver with our 100% UpTime warranty
  • registration of your domainname with globally distributed DNS Servers
  • Best-Route-Management ( BRM ) und Dynamic Name Control ( DNC )
  • 24/7 monitoring of your equipment and connection, plus automated escalation including Email/Pager/TextMessage Alarm
  • intercontinental fallback - mirror server
  • 24/7/365 Helpdesk, staffed live with our own personell and free of charge for all customers

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